I thought I had about two more weeks to go when I published the last post about Google PM Certificate, well that’s where I was in the course when I did the first post about the topic on May 10. However, the closer I got to the end, the more I wanted to just finish it. Good thing I did it on May 19! What a relief! Why did I feel that way? The fact was, the last course had 8 peer graded assignments and I took these assignments seriously. In the previous courses there were a lot of graded quizzes that somehow I found them easy enough. If I didn’t get over 90%, I would actually redo them to make sure I understand the concepts. With peer graded assignments or any writing actually, I held myself to higher standards. Instead of spending an hour on the assignment, I often spent way longer. So much so that I had no weekend last week and this week, I have to make up some time for my internship job! I got all fired up and completely drained my mental capacity. This is not a self congratulating post. Even before I formally completed the course, there was one section about job hunting. There are several sites that I never heard of that I am now eligible for. They help you with resume writing, interview preparation and I believe they also have recruiters that actively look at the pool of graduates. It's all great… but it has to wait. My internship is almost done and I want to do a reasonable job. I have a family that I desperately want to visit. Thanks to COVID I haven’t seen my folks for almost two years. Finally, just thinking about job hunting makes me tired already~ I am sure there will be another posting on all these job sites. Stay tuned.
Most of you probably have encountered endless waiting in line, being put on hold forever when face with customer service representatives. Sometimes the ending was good, they solved your problem and perhaps went way and beyond your expectation. Sometimes somehow we lost the patience and gave up, or the phone somehow got disconnected. Sometimes, you get serviced, but the result was totally not what you have expected. 😞 I will be talking about the later. Two (three?!) years ago, I ran out of time and idea for Christmas presents for the near and dears. In the end, I got everyone a Fitbit, a fitness tracking watch. I heard good things about it, cheaper than Apple watch (& I don't have iPhone), and it was available at Costco. I couldn't believe it, but my husband and I, whom do not wear watch, have been wearing the watch since. The merry story became even more promising, after it gave me a three month free-trial for Fitbit premium. Since it...
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